Sitemap - 2022 - Improving ability

So- what IS the right way to sit?

The ability to learn

Do your studies inform and shape your perception?

The instructions are like this for a reason. But are they?

Arms that swing more joyfully and a chest that can breath more freely

The act of participation

Stuck shoulders may be predictors of back pain

I learned to disagree

Whatever rocks your boat

There's no substitute for human conversation

What's an essay?

Critical thinking - critical moving

Finding emotional security

Attention, awareness and consciousness

Certified children: framed, boxed and shipped

The rejuvenating human touch

New Arms in Circles (a prequel)

About my use of the word »soul«

Movement as medicine

I love myself for who I am

One workshop done, next to come

Our choice of Thinking Hats and Action Shoes

Turn on, tune in, drop out of fixed schedule online workshops

With a bit of a mind flip

Two Workshops from 3pm to 6pm

How to structure a three hours online workshop?

The Clock-steps Workout

You need to look in the forbidden place

Language for describing movement

The uprooting of family businesses and families by compulsory schooling

The teacher who only asked questions

Us common folks they serve hope

Like birds under the sky

The 6 stages of trauma (an early draft)

At the doorstep of Kindergarten

Snippets of speech

Grandmother's belief in the value of effort

I asked Artificial Intelligence to write excerpts

A state of physical ease and freedom from pain

the finals illusion

A taste of freedom – Trauma healing in Somatic Education

The man ate the fish

Where's the magic gone?

hips be free

Free voluntary reading and brain health

The world, the page. The people, the writing.

More challenging movements please

Labor pains in movement-literacy

Whenever you're ready

On creating movement lessons


A Study in Castleton Green

Journeys over the body

Do cats eat bats? Do bats eat cats?

The forgetting of the Asian Squat

I caught a crashing cold

Adjusting goals and dreams

A couple of things I needed to write up

Moshé Feldenkrais's original wording

Fixing pain, a client story, Part 1

How can I change myself?

Which came first: the chicken or the egg?

Life with curated subtitles

Strata of development

The things we do for our stories

Donning meaning on movement

How to put the two feet standing in lying supine

Experience, knowledge, wisdom and meaning

Setting intention. Waiting for movement. Action.

Pain is a joker

Don't ask ask

I’m two posts behind

Choosing the home position

They were supposed to be all knowing

Chocolate croissants and movement categories

An investment in education

Short videos – curse or key?

Short videos vs long videos

Mindfulness and body numbness: The floor is flat

By doing stretching exercises you might be betting on the wrong horse

Why focus only on one thing at time?

Neck roll exercises from 1960ties gymnastics or QiGong

Squat up and down

How to sit down and get back up

I took Ivermectin and this is what happened

Did the day destroy the night?

Sinking the spine in supine position

A blog post

This is how you lengthen your psoas

What's the difference?

What do we do in Feldenkrais-inspired somatic movement classes?

(Some) movements of the shoulder (blades)

The ways of the reference movement

How good can it get?

The brain of a bird

The oldest problem

In harmony there is ease

If movement was a kind of language

Becoming human

The value of a teacher

I'm a rebel

Unusual… for whom?

Draw me a tree

the MYStERY OF the pUsh

The difference that bending a knee makes

I will make it up to you

That fleeting triumphant feeling

Unsentimentally yours

Lots of squats

Joy +1 yes please

The girls and the boys who did rage inside but did not stand up for themselves

A disclaimer

This issue just keeps boiling up

The Permission to Know

Practice, passion and persistence

The knees over toes movement

Yet thou must leave My earth still standing

The time it takes to understand

Why does anyone like anything?

Movement patterns and behaviour acquisition studies