Sitemap - 2021 - Improving ability

The squat – a road to recovery

Dearly missed (legs)

Availability of movement

Impossible–but only from one perspective

First words: freedom, love, reinforcement, elimination and selection

Mobility games

finger actions

Pops, snaps and crackles

Culture, pelvic floor and bruxism

Smooth criminal

Child's play—who has the time?

Cornflakes or milk first into the bowl?

The blessings of Openness

Positive affirmations—a first layer

Extreme sports: Meditation

Teaching with audio descriptions switched on or off?

A people stored away

The path of an ant

Sounds like breathing

The end of all suffering

How-to overcome writer's block (just before dinner)

So we stumble upon

For you to pick

The tales of times

The poem that wasn't

Who preside over the arts

In movement we shall find us

Pelvic Floor Video 2: Diastasis recti

Their first duty is to connect

Hey Siri, Fitness

The pressure of light on the pelvic floor

Drawing parallels

And nobody was crying

Summer break

Then And Now

When I study art & literature

Rest and rhyme

Why not

Mind To Mind: Undo

A new background image

Brush strokes

Like a friend

Yoga Language and the Search for M<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">eaning</span>orpheus

After my movement class

Lay down

What is physical strength?

The original lessons of Moshé Feldenkrais (pun intended)

Consent form for comments

Turning the head in prone position – Starting position

Filming again

Say who you are

Finding an end, and a beginning

The work and genius of Moshé Feldenkrais

The composing process, first thoughts

Drawing lines with a shoulder and rolling the head

A new carpet

Following movement instructions to the point

Edible or inedible

Compulsory schooling: Injury and Healing


Sitting on the floor with straight legs

Frogs jump

Writing exercises, movement exercises




What would you speak of if someone would listen to you every day?

Can you master nonsense as well as you have already learned to master sense?

I myself I too I am disobedient

Boots on the table, chocolate on the walls

Reading aloud again

Good Night Shoulder Circles And Coffee

Shoulder Circles, a closer look

6. Comprehension and learning are inseparable


Growing my working title

Is physical movement misunderstood and underrated?

Five levels of abstraction

To the bones description of Shoulder Circles

The shoulder moves forwards, do you consent?

How to write down movement sequences?

How to write down a story?

It sparks joy


Finding neutral

Comparing transcripts of Gaby Yaron and Jeff Cavaliere

Why do I find most movement instructions so hard to read?

The Inuit have 50 words for snow

The reversal of proximal and distal

The things we take

The ability to observe


Military Metaphors for Mental Mastery

The big difference between speaking and writing

The Fool And The Coachman

Hold my attention

Single source

Hip joints

One healthy looking human

What does it take for a first lesson

A bag of mixed nuts

Playing favourites

27 years to go until species extinction

I was halfway through his essay before I even noticed that I was reading it

Breathing passions and obsessions

How I would start

I scratched an itch I could not scratch

Your left side is my right side, when I stand facing you

All the king's horses and all the king's men

42 days of daily blogging

Closing the movement gap

What is correct and incorrect

Ambiguity in movement

Youtube space comedy workshop

Language in the tides of time

The broken inner child and its many needs

define embodiment

Movements in the wild

Could you hand me that glass over there please?

Movements feel good. Understanding too.

As decades passed by the nightmares also disappeared

I did 30 days of daily blogging

My Feldenkrais Book, 10 years later

Love and understanding, and meaning

Flexible but stable – impossible but possible

The lament and its critics

Books, life chances, and where to get them

Getting more and more into reading from screens

Regrets: a doorway into trauma and disability

The Social Dilemma

Flush it, press it, wait for it

Who would I have been?

Who else feels light at night?

A beating heart

What are you /ˈθ/inking about?

A look is worth a thousand words

Which words catch and which don't?

Movements have become a fetish

Flexibility isn't everything

Make it a conversation

Everyone has their own rhythm

What is the movement sequence for?

Noticing & Naming

Closing the word gap

Who would choose to do cardio?

Where do you look up things?

I'm more exposed than ever

Interactive, responsive, proactive

There's more to it

A paradox

What hurts and what comforts

Learning opposites

How to overcome a writer's blog